Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA)

The Oakland Livingston Human Service Agency (OLHSA) was founded in 1964 as a part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's War on Poverty.

How can we help you?

Browse this list to see the kind of help we offer. Then contact our Welcome Center to begin your path towards success. Call (248) 209-2600 or (248) 542-5860, filling out a short form online or email us.

Help to get through an immediate financial crisis

Emergency shelter and food, emergency utility assistance, emergency financial assistance, foreclosure counseling, referral services. These are a few of our economic security, hunger, housing, and health programs.

Help for your long-term financial future

Saving for a home, tax preparation, managing a budget, finding a new job or training for a career. These are part of our economic security, housing, health, and education programs.

Help for children and their families

Summer lunches, Head Start, Great Start/B.E.S.T., Grandparents Acting as Parents, pregnant women and mothers soon after birth, WIC. These are some of our hunger, health and education programs.

Help finding a place to live

Housing offered by Venture, Inc., homelessness initiatives, home ownership counseling.

Help for saving energy and building neighborhoods

Weatherization, Affordable Assistance, energy optimization, foreclosure counseling, housing rehab. These are examples of our economic security, housing, and education programs.

Help with health concerns

Medical nutrition, HIV/AIDS, early intervention, support for the medically fragile. These are examples of our health, HIV/AIDS health, economic security and education programs.

Help especially for senior citizens

Enrolling in Medicare, safety aids for your house, weatherizing your home, help with errands or household chores. These are examples of our housing and health programs.

Help for veterans and their families

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program provides rapid rehousing to homeless vets that are transitioning to permanent housing and assists with back rent through homeless prevention. This is another example of our housing programs.

Other help we offer

Help with household chores, shopping and transportation, re-entering society for former offenders. These are examples of our housing and education programs.

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Cesar E Chavez Avenue 196
Pontiac 48342 MI US
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