Brought to you by St. Matthew Lutheran Church

Our Vision: A place in the community where a hungry person finds more.

Our Mission: Serving people in our local community by providing a safe place of hope and love, meeting them wherever they are in life and helping them find assistance with basic needs.

Now that you know our vision and mission, let’s get a bit more specific. The Bridge Ministry is looking to create a low-income food counter in Wixom. After a needs analysis, we’ve found that food is a major hurt for many people in this area. We’re hoping to provide healthy, inexpensive meals for those that can afford it, while offering a suspended food option for those that can’t. Basically, suspended food means that someone else pays for the meal and we make that meal “suspended” until someone needs it. Our ultimate goal is to populate heaven – we’re hoping that by meeting this basic need, we will be able to create relationships with people in need, help them find other support in the community for other basic needs, and tell them of Jesus’ love when the time is right.

This project has endless opportunity to not only strengthen our congregation, but also the community in which many of us live or work. This is a big project and will require significant funds. We’re currently looking at locations and will need funding for rent, one full-time staff person, utilities & expenses, and other day-to-day operations. Thank you for reading. If you’d like to get involved, please fill out the form below.